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  • 13 Introvert Millionaire Habits for 2024

13 Introvert Millionaire Habits for 2024

Welcome to another edition of the Introvert Millionaire Habits Newsletter!

This is where you’ll get up-to-date information on habits, productivity, solopreneurship, and financial independence. 

Here is what we’ll cover in today’s issue:

 13 Introvert Millionaire Habits for 2024

 Answer This Quick Poll

 How to Lower Your Fixed Expenses

 The Value of Experiments

 The Resource Roundup

Let’s get to it…


A free five-day event is coming up that you might find interesting. 

The Ultimate Goal Getters Summit is happening from May 6th to May 10th.

Each day will showcase speakers who are ready to help you crush your goals and then some.

You can attend the summit for free!

But if you wanna grab the recordings for later, you totally can.

The Ultimate Access Pass takes it up a notch with TONS of bonuses, presentation transcripts, recordings, and audio files.



📈 13 Introvert Millionaire Habits to Build in 2024

Lately, many people have asked me to explain what I mean when I talk about “introvert millionaire business.”

The simplest definition?

It’s the idea that you can build a quiet business and stealth wealth without being in a sales job, or recording talking head videos, or displaying the obvious trappings of wealth.

In essence, all you need to do is focus on a few key habits, then rinse and repeat over many years.

Now, there is a lot more to be said about this concept.

So I wrote a small report about this topic called “13 Introvert Millionaire Habits to Build in 2024.”

Originally, I was going to include these habits in this newsletter.

But after cranking out 6K+ words on this topic, I felt that putting all this content would be overwhelming for many folks.

So for today’s featured article, set aside 30 to 60 minutes (when you have time) to read this report:

Bold Doesn't Look BackA movement giving women the resources and opportunity to discover their power

A Quick Poll

Can you help me with something…

I feel like the “Introvert Millionaire Habits” concept doesn’t resonate with many readers. 

So I am thinking about doing a slight rebrand where I talk about a concept called:

1% Better Life

The idea here is to create content that provides small wins you can use to improve your life. Each idea would be a simple action that doesn’t take very long to complete. And when you compound these 1% improvements over time, they add up to a better life.

So that’s my brief elevator pitch.

But what do you think?

Can you vote below and let me know which one you prefer:

What Concept Do You Prefer?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

💲Wealth Building Wisdom

In a previous issue, I talked about a book titled The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins.

What I like best about this book is its focus on passive index investing through the Vanguard platform. 

As I said before, this book is singularly responsible for helping me become financially independent.

But I also know that many people don’t have enough money for investing.

That’s why I think it’s important to aggressively work to lower your fixed expenses. 

These are the recurring expenses that do not change every month. Like rent or mortgage payments, car payments, insurance premiums, and subscription services.

For instance, here are a few strategies I’ve personally used to reduce the major costs in life:

 Refinanced a low fixed-rate mortgage for 30 years

 Purchased lightly used cars that are safe and reliable

 Used travel miles to pay for parts of our family vacation

  Switched my cell phone plan to Mint Mobile (before Ryan Reynolds made it cool)

 Started shopping at Aldi for most of our basic grocery items

  Married a smart woman who knows how to get discount (or free) clothing and children’s items from local Facebook groups.

 Cut cable and started streaming channels only when I wanted to watch certain shows and programs.

Now, these are just examples of what I did. 

If you’d like to learn more about this concept, then here is a quick article that has 10 ways to lower life’s fixed costs.

7GM: This WeekGet life-changing insights and actionable tips that are GUARANTEED to help you live a happier life.

💡 Solopreneurship Spotlight

Speaking of 1% improvements…

One piece of advice I have for people is to frequently run “experiments” in your life. 

The idea here isn’t necessarily to build a permanent habit. Instead, you should test out an idea for 7 to 10 days to see if it can have a positive, long-term impact.

As an example, in late 2023, I started to track every single calorie I consumed. To be honest, it’s a pain in the ass to record this information every day. But I ended up dropping 20 pounds from just this one small change.

Now, when it comes to my solopreneur business, I’m constantly running marketing experiments. 

For instance, right now I am:

 Turning Twitter content into short form videos that are posted on TikTik and YouTube.

 Testing different free offers to grow my email list.

 Polling my email subscribers to see which newsletter concept they prefer (HINT HINT).

Running experiments is something you should consider for both your personal and professional life. But I’ll talk more about this idea in a future newsletter.

The reason I’m mentioning it today is because running experiments is a major theme in the book “Million Dollar Weekend” by Noah Kagan. 

In this book, Noah talks a lot about how to test a business idea in a short time span, so you don’t waste a lot of time and money.

So if you’re interested in starting a new side hustle, then I think you should check out this book.

🗂️ The Resource Roundup

📉 How to Save Your Failing (or Struggling) Business: 22 Easy Possibilities – J-Ryze presents 22 insightful questions that entrepreneurs can ask themselves to reflect on their business ventures and identify areas for improvement. These questions cover various aspects of entrepreneurship, from clarifying business goals and target audience to assessing financial viability and market fit.

🔥 How to NEVER Burnout Again: One Habit to 10x Your Productivity – Feeling tired by 3PM? This video shares how to manage your energy and combat mental exhaustion, with the main strategy being: When you recognize that you are on the precipice of an energy-draining task or event, create a moment of space where you decide how much energy and intelligence to invest.

🚫 The Problem with Goals – This article explores the often-overlooked downsides of setting goals. It suggests that while goals can provide direction and motivation, they can also lead to stress, anxiety, and a sense of failure if not achieved. The article encourages reassessing how you approach goals to find a healthier balance and greater satisfaction in life.

📃 The “1-Page Method” to Organize Your Past and Future – Dr. Benjamin Hardy believes that your future self determines who you will be in the present, so he shares how to organize your past and future with a one-page document that you can use daily to guide your actions.

🛒 How to Stop Shopping Impulsively in 2024: 24 Frugal Tips! – And speaking of lowering your life costs… This article from No Sidebar explores effective methods for taking charge of your spending through mindful consumption and intentional living.

Connecting Dots@dharmesh on startups, scaleups and strategy

Well, that’s it for today.

I hope you have an excellent weekend!

Talk soon


Steve Scott 

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you:

#1. 90 Days to Your #1 Goal: How to Achieve a Breakthrough Goal in Under 3 Months: Whether it's starting a business, getting in shape, or writing a book, this course is your step-by-step framework to make it happen.

#2. Steve on Twitter: Get up-to-date messages and threads. I publish a few times a day on this platform.

#3. What is Your #1 Challenge?: Are you struggling with something specific? If so, can you take a few minutes to answer this one-question survey. It's a simple question, but your answer is a big deal. This will help me create reports, guides, and free content that tackle your biggest challenges.