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  • 3 Steps to Find Your Life Purpose

3 Steps to Find Your Life Purpose

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Welcome to the Introvert Millionaire Habits Newsletter!

Here is what we’ll cover in today’s issue:

 A Quick Note

 3 Steps to Find Your Life Purpose (with Ikigai)

 11 Millionaire Habits to Start Building Today

 My Favorite Solopreneurship Idea for 2024

 The Resource Roundup

Let’s get to it…


It’s the start of a new quarter! 

So make it count by focusing on a breakthrough goal.

One way to do this is with my course:

Whether it's starting a business, getting in shape, or writing a book, this course is your step-by-step framework to make it happen.

Each of the 7 lessons provides you with clear guidance, from pinpointing exactly what you want to achieve, to creating a daily plan that you can start on immediately.


A Quick Note…

I am switching things up with today’s newsletter.

Let me start with why I’m making this change…

A few months back, I rebranded my entire online presence to focus on what’s called “Introvert Millionaire Habits.”

This brand would focus on three core principles:

  1. Building a “quiet” business that is perfect for introverts.

  2. Managing your time, so you focus on what actually matters.

  3. Investing your earnings to create lifelong wealth.

Overall, my goal is to share what I’ve learned in the past 20 years with people who are interested in all these topics.

With that in mind, the structure of this newsletter will now feature content for all three principles.

So here’s how things will look moving forward:

  1. A framework you can apply to your life (a featured article of around 800 to 1,400 words)

  2. Wealth Building Wisdom (a short blurb about an important concept with a link to where you can get more information.)

  3. Solopreneurship Spotlight (an overview of a proven business model that’s worth exploring)

  4. The Resource Roundup (5 articles covering the core principles that you might find interesting)

My hope is to create a newsletter that you’ll enjoy reading a few times a week.

But let me know if you have any comments / suggestions about how to improve things around here.

Okay, now let’s get to the featured content.

The Rundown is the world’s fastest-growing AI newsletter, with over 500,000+ readers staying up-to-date with the latest AI news and learning how to apply it.

Our research team spends all day learning what’s new in AI, then distills the most important developments into one free email every morning.

📈 3 Steps to Find Your Life Purpose (with Ikigai)

Today’s article is a framework put together by Rebel Jones (one of my team writers.) Here, she talks about how to use the Ikigai framework to discover your life purpose. 

The Ikigai Framework is a Japanese concept that can help us find fulfillment and meaning in our lives. 

With questions such as ‘Why am I here?’ or ‘What am I doing with my life?’ often weighing heavy on our minds, this framework provides a structured approach to finding the answers.

By exploring our skills and passions, what the world needs, and what we can be paid for, we can unlock the answers to these existential questions.

We can find our own Ikigai - our reason for being.

So let’s talk about how to apply this framework to your life.

3 Steps to Finding Your Ikigai

For some people, finding their Ikigai comes naturally. They know from an early age what they are meant to do with their lives; their reason for getting up in the morning. And they embrace life for all it has to offer.

But for the vast majority of people, it’s not that easy. And questions, such as ‘What am I doing with my life?” and “Is this really it?” continue to take up space in their lives.

Thankfully, the Ikigai framework can help you to address these worries. By honestly answering the questions below, you’ll pinpoint the 4 elements that make up your reason for being. And understand where changes need to be made.

So let’s take a look at the Ikigai framework, step by step.

#1. Answer the following questions.

Take your time and be honest with yourself. You might find it easier to use a template (like the first image below)

 What Do I Love Doing?

What is it that makes you feel alive? It could be anything from rock climbing to reading; from partying with friends to solo trips around the world.

Make a list and prioritize the things that make you want to jump out of bed and seize the day. Be honest with yourself. And don't worry about what society expects or what others may think. This is about you and what brings a smile to your face.

 What Am I Good At?

What are your strengths and your skills? These might be things you’ve trained in, and dedicated time to. Or they might be things you’re naturally gifted in, like being a great listener, or musician.

We all have something to offer, something we excel in, so embrace these strengths and skills. And celebrate the things that make you stand out from the crowd.

 What Does The World Need?

This doesn’t have to be the entire world - it might be your local community or an online group. It may even be within your own home, with your family and friends.

In every walk of life, there will be someone in need. And finding that ‘world’, that need for change that inspires you to do more, will give you a reason to be.

 What Can I Be Paid To Do?

Look at your previous job experience, your skills, and qualifications. And ask yourself, ‘What can I be paid to do? What do I have to offer in return for a decent wage?’

It could be something similar to your current occupation, where you can harness your existing skills. Or it could be an entirely new vocation, where you can transfer your valuable knowledge.

Remember - don't be afraid to explore new opportunities. You never know where it could lead.

#2. Look at where your answers overlap

Take a look at the answers and in particular, where the areas overlap, for example, What I Love and What The World Needs. The answers to these questions are known as your Mission. And will give you a direction to pursue.

It might be that you’re passionate about art, like the late Frida Kahlo, whose paintings resonated with people who were emotionally struggling. She found her Ikigai by sharing her passion and connecting with like-minded people.

Or it could be that you love sports, like Michael Jordon, who continuously supports young people through charitable work, including the Special Olympics. His Ikigia was found in making sports accessible for everyone.

#3. Understand your Ikigai

You should now be able to see where these key aspects of your life overlap. And more importantly, pinpoint where your current life choices might be missing the mark.

Let’s say, for example, that your profession ticks the right boxes. You’re well respected within your job, thanks to your extensive experience and finesse when handling projects. And the pay gives you a comfortable lifestyle.

But you’re not happy with your work. It doesn’t excite you in any way - there’s no passion. And you can’t see that it’s making any real impact on the world. Let's face it - if you left tomorrow, your post would soon be filled and legacy, non-existent.

In this case, it’s time to try out new things and find what makes you truly happy.

Ikigai Framework Example

Now that we understand how the Ikigai Framework works, let's examine an instance where these steps are put into practice.

The star of our example will be Emma, and we’ll see how she uses the framework to find her Ikigai.

Firstly, Emma needed to define what she loves doing, what she’s good at, what she can be paid for, and what the world needs.

By identifying these key areas in her life, Emma could see that her profession, an office manager in the city, did tick the What I Can Be Paid For and What I’m Good At boxes.

But she had no passion for the job. It's just a job. A 9-5 with nowhere to go.

This is something that Emma has always struggled with - a lack of direction.

She's spent most of her adult life working towards her current mundane job - a job that she resents but continues to do as the bills need paying.

However, by completing the Ikigai framework, Emma could identify her overlapping priorities in What The World Needs and What I Love. She longed to throw on a pair of rainboots and be outside, away from the stuffy office. And to spend time with animals, rather than shirts and ties.

So, when the local animal shelter posted an advertisement for volunteers, Emma applied without a second thought. She knew it was what she needed in her life - she felt passionate about helping out at the shelter.

No, giving up the office job wasn’t an option, for now at least. But Emma was able to find her Ikigai by meeting all four areas of her life.

Final Thoughts on Ikigai

Finding fulfillment in our lives can be difficult. But by using the Ikigai framework, it’s much easier to see the path we should take to find it. 

It’s important to remember that discovering your purpose isn’t a one-time event. You will undoubtedly outgrow where you’re now standing. And it's perfectly okay to revisit the framework, time and time again.

Remember, it's all about finding that perfect balance between what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.

So, embrace the journey. And always be open to new experiences and opportunities that come your way.

💲Wealth Building Wisdom

Becoming a millionaire isn’t an event. Unless you win the lottery, you won’t wake up one morning and discover instant riches.

Instead, it happens when you build specific habits in your life that compound over weeks, months, and years. 

💡 Solopreneurship Spotlight

I have built a variety of Internet businesses over the past 20 years.

From affiliate marketing to self-publishing to creating niche sites, I have tried (almost) every online business that is out there.

But for 2024, there is one model that excites me the most…

Running a newsletter business.

(Kind of like what you’re reading right now.)

With Google changing the way search works to the f***ery that is happening with artificial intelligence, a newsletter business is a great model because it focuses on building an audience that you 100% control. 

Now, there are a LOT of great resources for building a newsletter business.

Spoiler alert:

He did not achieve this goal. 

However, I feel this case study has a goldmine of great information to help you get started with a newsletter business. 

It’s a massive series of articles, so you should set aside a few hours to get through the entire thing.

🗂️ The Resource Roundup

🧠 The 18 Habits of High-IQ People – This article highlights 18 habits commonly associated with people with high IQs, such as prioritizing sleep and exercise, cultivating curiosity, and embracing failure as a learning opportunity. There are also actionable tips for anyone looking to enhance their cognitive abilities and overall well-being.

📖 My Simple Habit for Smarter Book Reading – Scott H. Young offers practical strategies to maximize comprehension and retention to help transform your reading habits, absorb information more effectively, and derive greater value from the books you consume.

💭 These 19 thoughts WILL change your life – Clint Murphy tweets that to succeed, you need to improve your thinking. He shares 19 thoughts (tips) on how to do just that.

💊 The State of the Culture 2024 – What effect does our constant need to be online have on our well-being and relationships? Our constant exposure to social media, gaming, and other digital stimuli leads to addictive behaviors driven by the desire for instant gratification. This article from Honest Broker delves into the pervasive issue of dopamine addiction and what we can do about it.

🇯🇵 Rich in Ikigai – Let’s cover another variation on the Ikigai principle. In this article, Jade blends the Japanese philosophy of finding purpose with financial abundance and explores how aligning your passions, skills, and what the world needs can lead to both personal fulfillment and financial success.

Well, that’s it for today.

I hope you’re having a great start to your week!

Talk soon


Steve Scott 


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you:

  1. 90 Days to Your #1 Goal: How to Achieve a Breakthrough Goal in Under 3 Months: Whether it's starting a business, getting in shape, or writing a book, this course is your step-by-step framework to make it happen.

  2. Steve on Twitter: Get up-to-date messages and threads. I publish a few times a day on this platform.

  3. What is Your #1 Challenge?: Are you struggling with something specific? If so, can you take a few minutes to answer this one-question survey. It's a simple question, but your answer is a big deal. This will help me create reports, guides, and free content that tackle your biggest challenges.